/November 2010
Fall Seasonals: Pumpkin Beers, Harvest Ales,
Oktoberfests, and More
The Mother Lode, a cornucopia of spice and flavors, a horde so gargantuan we recruited several extra
beer enthusiasts and tackled the beers with a three team approach. My co-captains, Babs and Proxy, were
a huge help in leading the teams to beer victory bowls. Not being a malt and spicy beer lover, Sea Hag volunteered to help owner and manager, Nuco, steward, along with Smokreesha, who cheered us on and
kept us all focused on the beer. This being the largest number of players in Beer Beacon history, we lined
up the entries in the upstairs of Clark's Alehouse in Syracuse.
Sadly, shortly after the tasting began, we were hit with the shocking news that Clark's was closing their
doors forever the next week. Not in the practice of writing beer bar obits, let me state, Clark's was
truly a "Real Beer Drinkers Place" with an outstanding variety of 22 drafts, two hand pumps and one
delicious roast beef sandwich. Clark's also hosted the Syracuse Real Ale Fests and 11 years of
Wednesday Night Trivia. Clark's was a safe refuge from TVs, loud music, meat market competitions and fern bars. Always a favorite place to gather with friends, we deeply mourn the loss of the birthplace of craft beer appreciation in Central New York. Thank you Ray, Audrye,, mom and pops and the entire Clark's crew.
How to segue way into the tasting? Game must go on, cheers!
To all the breweries that generously sent samples to the Beer Beacon for this massively fun tasting, we send you high fives and our loyal and humble appreciation. Cheers to a long gorgeous autumn and winning football teams.
Next: Belgians & Winter Seasonals
The Place:
Clark's Ale House
Syracuse, NY
Guest Tasters:
Pumpkin Ales: Flo, Babs, Old Creepy, Jewels & Half Pint.
Oktoberfest: Proxy, Mel, Aisy, Ale-ias & Sausage.
Harvest/Hoppy Ales: Steffpuff, Capn, Honeyman & Pint.
The Method:
Tasters are served each beer, with only the information of the style the brewery is emulating, when there is a style. The beer name and brewery are revealed to the tasters as each next blind round is served.
The Beers:
Pumpkin Ales
A clear amber ale. Flo described the aroma as fruity and distinctively pumpkin. Babs tasted nutmeg, ginger and cloves prominently up front, but not overpowering that mellows out quickly. Half Pint and Old Creepy agreed it was best enjoyed outdoors, at a tailgate party or post hike or ride. Jewels dubbed it "touchdown. |
Old Creepy noted the flowery, faint pumpkin aroma. Jewels described the flavor as subtlety pumpkin, with a bitter, slightly smoked nut aftertaste. Flo and Babs thought it was more nut beer like, with all the pumpkin taste on the finish. Half Pint found it roasty and smooth and thought it would pair well with apple pie and vanilla ice cream to bring out the fruit and spice and balance the bitterness. |
Flo commented on the intense pumpkin and spice aroma. Babs was surprised by the crisp hoppiness and milder pumpkin flavor. Old Creepy described it as creamy, with a long dry bitter finish with a chance of getting in a bowl as a newcomer. Half Pint agreed and suggested we pair it with spicy carrot cake with whipped cream frosting. |
The distinctive sweet pumpkin spice and citrus fragrance is so enticing, noted Flo. Jewels described the flavor as allspice, nutmeg and cinnamon with vanilla undertones that lingers to a dry, mild bitterness. Half Pint found it creamy smooth, with a light pumpkin taste and immediately claimed any leftovers. Old Creepy suggested we pair it with Humboldt Fog cheese, bread and honey. Babs really liked it and said it was much better than Wolaver's Pumpkin last year. |
A clear deep copper color with a strong fruit and pumpkin aroma, laced with bubblegum, commented Old Creepy. Flo loved the intense pumpkin spice that gave way to a mildly bitter hop presence. Half Pint found it smooth and pleasantly warming from the lingering alcohol - "a mischievous spirit". Babs and Jewels agreed, the pumpkin spice, sugar graham cracker and caramel flavor was delightful. We suggest something hearty, like stew or cheesecake, to accompany it or as a nightcap on Halloween. |
Other Beers
Fresh from the half-time break, Babs described the appearance as pale amber with a big white head. Half Pint noted the light malt and fresh ale aroma. Old Creepy found it crisp with a caramel malt and mild citrus and pine bitter finish, a great beer for the Y or Z generation. Flo agreed, it was a great party beer and Jewels recommended serving it with burgers and fries. |
Flo noticed the cloudy, light yellow color with big bubbly foam. Half Pint detected a mild fruit aroma and a very refreshing, crisp flavor with some mild bready malt. Jewels found the after taste slightly bitter with a quick finish. Babs thought it was very sessionable and likened it to a pilsner. Old Creepy suggested it would be invigorating on a hot day and dubbed it a "football beer". All agreed it was best paired with a spicy fish or pasta. |
Flo thought this ale tasted similar to Hennepin without that "Ommegang" taste. Jewels described the soft, spicy floral and bubblegum smell as hard to resist. Babs found the apricot and pear flavor crisp, but creamy, with a mild hoppy finish that made it easy to drink. Half Pint recommended pairing it with chocolate or raspberries. Old Creepy would take it camping and have it with s'mores around the fire. |
Half Pint commented on the appropriately ruby red color with a big white head and lots of bubbles. Babs described the rich, mildly sweet flavor up front that mellows out to a nice smooth finish that lasts. Jewels thought the aroma and flavor were nutty, creamy and delicious. Old Creepy thought there was a lot of complexity to this beer and he would drink it any time. Flo suggested the dry, sweet malt flavor would go well with red meat or more savory sausages. |
Babs described the deep crimson color as fairly clear, with a big fluffy head. The aroma is mildly sweet with notes of caramel, whereas the flavor is a more bitter, spicy hops with a toasted grain backbone, noted Jewels. Old Creepy found the mouth feel creamy with a nice bitter after taste, "mmm…memorable". Half Pint thought the dry, almost sour bitter taste hit you long after you swallowed. Flo recommended pairing it with roasted root vegetables and fowl. |
Jewels noted the dark cloudy amber appearance and sweet aroma. Babs described the flavor as sweet, dried fruity with a balanced hop presence. Half Pint found the body warm, creamy and rich, almost heavy. Old Creepy detected the strong alcohol and pleasantly bitter and dry aftertaste. Unanimously, the team relished this strong beer and sipped and appreciated it slowly for a victorious finish. |
Proxy described the color as clear amber with a fresh, natural light aroma. Mel found the flavor mildy hoppy with a bitter after taste. Sausage noted the roasted malt; toasted grain and caramel flavor, all mixed together with a earthy noble hop character. Aisy commented that although the flavor is not strong, it starts off bitter and then tastes smooth and light. Ale-ias suggested it would pair well with a Friday fish fry or Sunday roast beef. |
Mel commented on the clear, medium rust-color with a thick foamy head. The aroma was fresh and crisp with a light malt and hop intensity, noted Mel. Ale-ias found the flavor slightly sweet, almost wine-y with a nice balance of malt and hops. Aisy noted a slight taste of fruit, with a short mild sweetness in the finish. Sausage thought Oneida Lake Walleyes would match nicely with this easy drinking beer and Proxy would drink it after apple picking. |
Sausage noted the clear amber color with a large foamy head that smelled slightly fruity. Aisy liked the light hoppy taste that lingers on your tongue. Ale-ias commented on the mild creaminess with a medium hoppy bitter aftertaste. Proxy found it moderately astringent, but a pleasantly flavorful beer. Braised short ribs, roast beef, steak or sausage were the pairing suggestions. |
A golden amber with a slight haze with a sliver of foam, Aisy found the aroma malty with a slight coffee character. Mel noted a mild herbal smell and a flowery bitter flavor. Proxy described the body as dull, almost flat with a strange mildly bitter aftertaste. Sausage thought it was dry, almost sucking the flavor from the tongue. Ale-ias laughed at the face they all made, likening it to Queen Elizabeth greeting the man who'd just pumped the septic. Not a winner for this team. |
Ale-ias described the medium caramel color as slightly cloudy with dense bubbles. The nose is crisp and slightly fruity, noted Mel. Aisy found the flavor light with a mild honey taste and no hop character. Sausage liked its toasted caramel and subtle bready malt backbone with a soft bitter counterbalance. It's "fizzy, fun in my mouth", declared Proxy. Pair it with grilled chicken or soft cheese was the team consensus. |
A rusted amber color with a slightly fruity clean aroma, commented Aisy. Ale-ias noticed a slight caramel flavor with toasty malts entwined with a mild hoppiness. Sausage thought it was intense, long lasting with a complexity of flavors. Proxy nicknamed it "MVP". Clark's had the best match for this satisfying brew: a cheese plate or roast beef sandwiches. |
Other Beers
Sausage noted the pale yellow color was clouded and both the bubbles and the creamy head were small. Aisy described the nose as yeast and blueberry. Andale found a coriander and cinnamon character to the taste with a citrus zesty finish. Proxy liked the light spice flavor but prefers a bigger body. Mel commented that the aftertaste was just like black licorice. This is a safety beer, one sure to surprise your beer friends. |
The color is cloudy blonde with a big head and a strong banana aroma, commented Proxy. The banana clove is prominent, mixed with a touch of pears and apples, supported by strong backbone of toasted wheat grains, noted Mel. "It leaves a nice light sweetness", said Aisy. Sausage wanted more in the ending. All were in agreement on a chocolate brownie or cake pairing. |
Mel described the color as medium caramel, dense with a thick foamy head. The nose is clean and fruity sweet noted Andale. Proxy thought the flavor had a pleasant ripe banana/clove and light caramel taste with a crisp bittersweet ending. The beer would match well with spiced white meats or Pad Thai, suggested Aisy. |
"Oh, this is dark! It's like milk chocolate", exclaimed Mel. The chocolate nose with hints of dark molasses enticed Aisy to taste again. Sausage found it smooth and creamy with a pleasant coffee chocolate flavor. This is a solid beer", commented Andale and suggested pairing it with red meat or smoked meats. |
Proxy noted the clear dark red brown color and the strong aroma of chocolate malt and caramel coffee. Lisa liked the fuller body and expensive bitter chocolate taste that lingered. Andale and Mel found a smoky campfire aroma and cocoa cream taste. Sausage recommended pairing it with spaghetti and meatballs or lasagna. Our projection: this beer is Rose Bowl bound. |
Harvest/Hoppy Ales
The clear golden brown brew had a scant head with small bubbles, commented Steffpuff. The nose was mildly hoppy with some biscuit and caramel malt notes. The flavor was multi-layered hops up front and then dropped off quickly, noted Capn. Honeyman found it velvety smooth with a mildly bitter and slightly astringent finish. Pint thought it would be a good picnic or tailgate beer. |
Honeyman noted the medium reddish amber color with the big tan creamy crown that retained well. Steffpuff initially found the floral hop aroma a bit perfumey, but then it softened pleasant bouquet. The flavor was not intensely hoppy with a bit of honey sweetness and was overall. well balanced, commented Capn. Pint thought it was very refreshing with a long smooth, satisfying hoppy finish that sticks to your tongue. Lobster rolls were the recommended match for this tasty brew. |
A beautiful golden ruby hue with a creamy tan, lacey head - "a sunset beer" suggested Honeyman. Capn described the aroma as juicy American hops mingled with mildly sweet wheat and barley malts. A complexity of hop flavors in a full body that is "very quaffable", noted Pint. Steffpuff enjoyed the long, bitter experience and thought it would be great with Thanksgiving appetizers. |
Steffpuff licked the fluffy foam and kissed the glass she was so hoppy to taste this reddish blonde ale. The big citrus hop aroma enchanted Honeyman and the spell lasted throughout the tantalizing fusion of malt notes and fruity hops with hints of pine. Capn commented on the "splendid hoppy long life". Pint suggested we pair it with hot wings or a turkey sandwich. |
"This is one mammoth of a beer", exclaimed Pint. The dark reddish orange liquid was hazy and with a layer of creamy foam, noted Capn, while warning the next table, "keep your eyes off our beers". Honeyman described the aroma as alluring, with robust grapefruit and citrus hops. Steffpuff started singing, "My Mouth Comes Alive with the Taste of IPAs", as she tasted the sweet toffee malt followed with a blast of crisp, fruity, bitter hops that lasted long enough to crave another - anywhere, anytime. |
Steffpuff described the appearance as thick dark brown with a thin cap of tan foam. The aroma is caramel toffee malt with a touch of citrus and piney hops, noted Honeyman. The smooth, roasty malts finish with a gale of hoppy grapefruit goodness, commented the Capn. Pint suggested we not only pair it, but put it in the chili, black beans or stew. |
Other Beers
The dark orange opaque brew has a luscious, sweet, toasty smoky aroma that promises much, noted Steffpuff. The essence of creamy, slightly smoke and coffee malt dominated the dry, roasty toasty hop finish that hung on nicely, commented Pint. Capn thought it was a fine representation of the style and Honeyman recommended matching it with smoked turkey or putting it in scrambled eggs. |
The muddled garnet brown hue was topped with a tan pillow of foam that laced up the glass, noted Honeyman. Steffpuff commented that the nose was all malt and burnt sugar. The dried fruity, prune and caramel malt character was intense, but not too sweet, commented Pint. Capn relished the creamy mouthfeel and said it was "surprisingly refreshing" with just a bit of sweetness in the finish. Dark chocolate cherries and toasted nuts with caramel swirled on top of Brie were the paring suggestions. |
The light golden hue might look like a lawnmower beer, but beer-drinking masses beware, there is an abundance of wildness here, cautioned Pint. The banana and musty attic aroma even smells sour, commented Honeyman. The creamy toasted malts and funky tart and sour combination flavor profile is intriguing, said Steffpuff. The sour cherry and green apples with banana spice sticks to the roof of your mouth, noted the Capn. We suggest Cheddar cheese fondue or a mushroom omelet. |
Swirling in a copper bronze haze with a short muff of foam, described Capn. Honeyman found the nose slightly sour with a strong dried fruit, musky wine character. The flavor profile is "more malty prunes and dried dark cherries with hints of vanilla and burnt malt sugar, commented Pint. Steffpuff suggested we serve it with cherry cobbler or peach clafouti before an afternoon football game. |
The opaque dark color was topped with a beige two-finger layer of foam that clung artistically to the glass, noted Pint. The intensely roasty and coffee aroma is perfect after a night of beer tasting, commented Capn. Hearty coffee ground smoothness and a slight roasty bitterness in the finish blends to achieve a perfect union of flavors that coffee fans will love, said Honeyman. Breakfast or desserts would be an excellent accompaniment to this beer, suggested Steffpuff. |
The hazy light golden beer starts with a mildly sweet bouquet of bubblegum, bananas and flowers, noticed Steffpuff. Captain described the web of Belgian influenced flavors from Brettanomyces, to licorice with loads of fruit alongside a honey sweetness, balanced with herbal hops. The full silky mouthfeel was lightly carbonated and revealed a long clove, fennel and evergreen finish, commented Honeyman. We all smiled, unanimously, the perfect nightcap. |
by The Beer Diva, Beer Beacon columnist
Listed by Brewery
Comments on Beer Beacon should be directed to beerbeacon@brewingnews.com.
2009, Great Lakes Brewing News