December/January 2010/2011
Fall Seasonals: Pumpkin Beers, Harvest Ales,
Oktoberfests, and More

With magnificent Weiss beers fresh on her tongue and her body clock lost somewhere in Germany,
the Beer Diva summoned the eager Buffalo Beer Beacon tasters to Brewing News World Headquarters. Delighted to overtake those Syracuse Upstarts in this round of the Battle of the Beer Beacon,
the Buffalo Brew Buds (Vinny, Gerg, Evill and Mensa Drop Out) were ready and roaring.
Happy Holiday Greetings to all the breweries that have generously sent samples to the Beer Beacon this year. We honor and commend your gracious participation and extend our best wishes for a Happy Brew Year!
Next: Flagship Beers
The Place:
The Brewing News
Buffalo, NY
Guest Tasters:
Vinny, Gerg, Evill, Mensa Drop Out.
The Method:
Tasters are served each beer, with only the information of the style the brewery is emulating, when there is a style. The beer name and brewery are revealed to the tasters as each next blind round is served.
The Beers:
Presented as a Belgian Style Wit, Gerg thought the lemony, citrus nose was stronger than the banana clove taste. Vinny described it as a coriander, fruit and floral aroma and spritzy light fruit body with a subtle tart finish. Evill tasted lake water, which the Beer Diva finds both inviting and refreshing. Mensa Drop Out found it extremely crisp and quaffable and declared it the ideal hammock beer. |
Vinny found the bright citrus and spice nose contrasted with a Christmas candle and Lemon Pledge flavor worked well together, especially as it warmed. Mensa Drop Out noted the juicy fruit, and white peppercorn nose that followed through in the flavor along with a taste of fennel and coriander. We all thought it was similar to both Goose Island Pepe Noir and Brooklyn Cuvee Noir. Gerg found the salted pretzel and pepper beer made a tasty match. Evill suggested it would make a wonderfully aromatic and tasty rice pilaf. |
Gerg said it reminded him of a brown ale with a mildly hoppy ending. Mensa Drop Out described the malt and light clove nose and a brown sugar body with hints of nutmeg. Vinny liked the smoothness and spicy, maple roasted malt finish. Evill found it clean and simple; tame enough for your less beer adventurous relatives. |
Evill called it a cinnamon and bourbon spiced winter warmer. Vinny noted the cherry and licorice aroma and subtle spiced ginger, cinnamon and clove brown ale taste. Gerg noted hints of orange peel in the aroma and roasted malt flavor that was smooth with a light licorice and mild booziness in the finish. Mensa Drop Out summed it up nicely for us as, "Restoring Sanity" to Holiday beers. |
Mensa Drop Out was the first to identify the ooh-long tea aroma in this dark ruby beer. Vinny described the lightly cinnamon spiced and orange citrus tea beer as an easy drinking Santa Brown. Fresh from Nurnberg, The Beer Diva tasted gingerbread. Evill would drink it at the airport, but if it shows up under his tree, he'll likely re-gift it. |
Gerg commented on the spicy, orange, cherry aroma with orange peel and light malt flavors and a hop bite finish. Vinny savored the sweet aromatic, apricot hops, and found the bright orange and anise, spicy hop body came to a warm, pleasant conclusion. Mensa Drop Out found the orange peel nose, the light green cardamom spice with dark plums center and earthy hop finish a delightful "Sugar Plum Fairy". |
Presented to us as an English-style porter, Gerg said he preferred a roastier American version, but liked its smooth drinkability. Vinny noted the wonderfully roasted malt nose, the rich molasses malt and dried fruit body and the long licorice malt finish. Evill thought the dry caramel and chocolate malt flavor was a decent example of a seasonal porter. Mensa Drop Out tasted raisins and malt with a hint of cherry aroma and recommended drinking it while baking Christmas cookies. |
Gerg commented on the huge banana taste and said it reminded him of Gwen Stefani, but better. Mensa Drop Out noted the big banana, clove and anise flavors, and added hopheads may not enjoy it as much. Vinny described it as a spicy banana nose, a dry clove, and light fruit body with a subtle tart finish. Evill thought it tasted more like a triple Wit Weiss beer. The Beer Diva recommended a hearty beef stew to bring out the complexity of this tasty brew. |
Mensa Drop Out noticed the yeasty, pine and oak aroma, the banana clove smooth body and sweet honey finish. Gerg's first impression was light and funky with an interesting character. Vinny described it as a light fruity nose, a rich, fruit and sugary body with a mildly tart and alcohol finish. Evill suggested it would match well with honey-roasted cashews or a spicy chicken stew. |
Evill described the Fruit-Infused Grand Met as a "wild berry punch in the face" and suggested it would go perfectly with Almond Crescent cookies for a late night treat. Vinny commented on the cherry soda pop nose, the tart berry and strong alcohol body and suggested an Almond Ring coffeecake pairing. Mensa Drop Out noted the cherry and raspberry jam aroma, with a sweet and sour cherry profile throughout that would pair nicely with a cherry turnover a la mode with toasted almond ice cream. Not to be outdone, Gerg likened it to fruit punch and said it reminded him of Four Loco and would be the quintessential Christmas brunch beer. |
The hops are screaming through this beer, commented Gerg. Mensa Drop Out commented on the floral hop profile with hints of orange peel and spices that quietly sneak past hop security. Vinny described the juicy citrus and tropical fruit and intensely piney hops with a caramel malt backbone and unusual spice finish. Evill called a funky, dry, hoppy brew that is sure to bring Christmas cheer to all. This beer had us all singing "Hoppy Holidays" to you! |
The Beer Diva savored the heavy chocolate malt flavors that smooth to a silky chocolate finish; this one's going to her girl-friends bock home. Gerg suggested the big chocolate taste should come in a heart shaped bottle. Mensa Drop Out commented on the strong chocolate and toffee nose and toasted caramel and cocoa body that reminded him of Southern Tier's Choklat. Vinny agreed and recommended we pair it with ice cream. Evil described it as chocolate goodness that butts head with your taste buds and wins. |
Vinny described the light biscuit malt nose and mild malt and nutty body, as an easy drinking beer. Gerg noticed the rich, bread and malt taste that finished with a slight sweetness. Mensa Drop Out smelled chocolate and caramels and said it was a straightforward example of the style, with no hops in the finish. Evill thought it would be a great session beer while listening to an Oompah band. After two bocks, we were all singing "Get Bock to Where You Once Belonged". |
Time to smell the coffee!" declared the Beer Diva. Vinny commented on the "good morning Juan Valdez" nose with a rich coffee malt flavor profile. Although Evill doesn't drink coffee, this beer woke him right up, and he enjoyed it despite the jitters. Mensa Drop Out highly recommends it for the next 3:00 a.m. World Cup games. Gerg summed it up perfectly, "I wish cold coffee tasted this good!" |
Foreign Extra Stout, Guinness and Company
St. Jame's Gate, Dublin 8, Ireland
Vinny noted the roasted and tart bready aroma and big hoppy and strong roasted coffee body with a long, flavorful bitter finish. Mensa Drop Out enjoyed the crisp coffee chocolate taste. Gerg commented on the roasty aroma, the underlying bitterness and suggested it was the perfect breakfast beer. Mensa Drop out would enjoy this beer greatly while watching logs burn in the fireplace. This frothy dark brew is very "UK-an" remarked Evill; it puts the mass-produced stouts to shame. |
Mensa Drop Out noticed a complex nose of raisins, bourbon, cherry and caramel with hints of chocolate. Vinny commented on the sweet malt and berry aroma and sugary, caramel and cherry alcohol body. Gerg described the sweet caramel and booze nose with a sweet raisin, plum and cherry pie taste and suggested it would be a fine first date beer. Evill highly recommends this winter warmer as a good beer for making snow angels. We all thought pecan or pumpkin pie would be a great match for this nice brew. |
A beautiful foamy head with a dark ebony color, Vinny thought the intense coffee nose and huge coffee roasted, sugary infused hopped-up body was extreme and delicious. Evill found the rich chocolate and roasted malts smooth. Gerg thought it was textbook style, but really well done. In summary, Mensa Drop Out called it the "velvet glove covering the iron fist". The Beer Diva carried the Big Daddy off to bed to snuggle with all night long. |
by The Beer Diva, Beer Beacon columnist
Listed by Brewery
Comments on Beer Beacon should be directed to beerbeacon@brewingnews.com.
2010, Great Lakes Brewing News