April/May 2010
Spring is time for baseball, gardening … and lagers. Why are lagers associated with
springtime? The yeast used in the fermentation of a lager activates at a cooler temperature and
then sinks to the bottom of the tank. Ale yeast activates at higher temperatures and rises to the top
of fermentation tank. Cooler temperatures or refrigeration are required for the lager brewing
process. Lagers are fresh and ready and the best session brews because they are typically lower
in alcohol. So let's pound down a few lagers in celebration of spring!
It was March and so appropriately the Beer Beacon met up at McCarthy's Pub in the 1st Ward
in Buffalo. A cozy neighborhood spot, the pub offers a great selection of rotating craft beers on draft
thanks to its owner, Gerhardt Yaskow. McCarthy's also features a home-style lunch menu with
beef-on-weck available nightly. If you're looking for Beer Education and a great time, check out
the Better Beverage Society meetings held the first Monday of every month.
To all the kind breweries that generously sent samples to the Beer Beacon for this massive lager
session, we are beerfully thankful. Cheers for lagers and sunshine!
Next: Wheat Beers and Fruit Beers
The Place:
McCarthy's Pub , Buffalo, NY
The Tasters:
The Beer Beacon Tasters enthusiastically joining us for at McCarthy's included the
Magistrate, Evil, Hop Jack, Vinny, newcomer, Gerhardt and our illustrious Governor, who
although contemplating resignation, hung around for the lager tasting.
The Method:
Tasters are served each beer, with only the information of the style the brewery is emulating, when there is a style. The beer name and brewery are revealed to the tasters as each next blind round is served.
The Beers:
“A light caramel malt nose with a moderate taste and light fruit flavor,” commented Vinny. Although not enough hops to satisfy Hop Jack, he thought it was a classic example of a lager. Gerhardt likened it to the new Bud 55. Evil thought it was very clean - nothing offensive. The Magistrate summed it up for us “Light it is, Lager it is, you could drink a boatload.”
Everyone agreed this was a very nice beer. Hop Jack noted the golden color, the malt nose and noble hop bittering that was smoothly balanced toward the malt. “Definite European lager qualities,” commented Magistrate. Vinny described it as grainy, with a light hop nose and sweet maple malts with a grape flavor and a German hop finish. Evil said it reminded him of a Lowenbrau, which he likes: “It reminds me of my childhood.”
The Magistrate noted the bready malt flavor that was light in body, but very drinkable. Hop Jack observed the high carbonation and clean malt body. The resigning Governor thought there was some bitterness, but no distinct hop flavor. Evil described it as a nice golden fuzzy lager - “nice and burpy”. Gerhardt and the Beer Diva liked the stubby bottle that is easy to stuff in a pocket.
The Governor thought the lager was clear and balanced toward the hops and he really liked it. Hop Jack noted the clear gold color and bitter finish, but said it might taste better if more hops were added earlier in the brewing process. Evil described it as a golden, bitter and fizzy - like a High Life. The Magistrate and Vinny found the taste a bit sweet and caramel tasting for a lager.
Vinny commented on the clean, noble hops aroma, light caramel malts and distinct German hop taste that lingered. The Governor noted the attractive dense head and the Magistrate thought it was clean, with a more balanced flavor. Evil said the lager was an easy chugger. Hop Jack found it caramel sweet and smooth; no faults, but not enough hops for big cheers.
The Beer Beacon panel will be putting this Czech style pilsner forward as a strong Global Warming contender. “Made for hot tub parties,” said Evil, a “perfect summertime beer,” said Gerhardt, “great for patio parties,” commented Vinny. Hop Jack found the pilsner delicate, slightly sweet and moderately crisp. “The pale blooms in malt with a pleasant hop flavor,” reflected the Governor. |
The Magistrate commented on the full body and nice malt flavor. Vinny noted the light syrup nose, rich body of stone fruits and thought the adequate dose of hops contributed to a tasty beer. The Governor observed the lacy head and was pleasantly surprised by the caramel sweet finish. Hop Jack and Gerhardt thought it was clear with a caramel smooth body. Evil enjoyed the upfront malty caramel taste and drank it down like a champ. |
Hop Jack found the nose faintly malt with a light hops taste; “sweetly balanced”. The Magistrate noted the nice soft malt flavor and easy drinkability. Vinny commented on the spritzy caramel nose, rich malts - a decent lager. The Governor liked the floral aroma and thought the taste was interestingly, both delicate and slightly cloying. Evil characterized it as a semi bitter amber with a true German flavor. |
Vinny noted the roasted malt aroma and coffee and chocolate malt flavor that lingers in a sweet finish. Evil noted a sharp bitter taste on the front of his tongue. Gerhardt and the Beer Diva both thought it was lightly smoky, a toasty beer with a beautiful thick head. Hop Jack and the Magistrate agreed that it was not black enough, but was smooth and roasty. |
Gerhardt found this lager thick and molasses sweet. The Governor thought it had great chocolate malt flavor with a nice hop balance. Hop Jack said it was creamy and smooth, but not heavy. Vinny tasted licorice and prunes and suggested it would be a great sipper to accompany sausage. Evil comment: “sweet and lowdown and got my groove on.” |
The Magistrate noted the soft malt nose and sweet roast malt flavor. Hop Jack called it malt-sided and thought it lacked richness. Vinny found it one dimensional, but clean and malty. Gerhardt commented on the toasted malt aroma and low gravity body. Evil called it a mild brown lager that is more common in England. |
“Yum! Goes great with pretzels” declared Evil. The Magistrate agreed the lager was nicely balanced: “I could drink this all night!” Hop Jack noted the rich malt aroma and subtle hops in the flavor. Vinny described the nose as rich licorice and said the flavors melded to form a substantial lager with a silky mouth feel. The Governor agreed there was a lot of roast with a rich, full-bodied palate. |
Gerhardt noted the fruity sweet, medium body and was bock happy. Vinny commented on the caramel alcohol nose, nutty malt taste, with an almost cloying body. Hop Jack found it malty sweet and wanted more hop flavor. The Magistrate thought the lightly malted nose and soft sweet roasty flavor was overall too light. Evil suggested it was a pseudo-bock but loves the cool Goatboy on the label. |
Hop Jack commented on the malt dominance, “as it should”, and said it was nicely warming. The Governor found it sweet with some balancing hops and suggested it was best served in a small glass. Vinny liked the caramel nose and medium malty body. Evil agreed it was smooth, a golden semi-bitter maibock. Gerhardt likened it to a Rhine wine with a starchy middle and light hop finish. |
Vinny commented on the malt toffee nose and a tasty caramel and fruits in an alcohol malty body. The Magistrate and Gerhardt agreed the deep gold, sweet malt body had an uncharacteristically dry hoppy finish. Evil found a full frontal bitterness bite with a sweet hop finish that dances to the back of his tongue. The Governor said it was hearty with a kick, but refreshing. |
The Magistrate liked the big rich, rye malt flavor. Gerhardt noted the huge, slick and sweet toasted rye malt and alcohol taste. The Governor found it big, sweet and a bit cloying. Evil said the rye pops up throughout and suggested the sweet and non-bitter would really like it. Vinny said this is an intense bock, rich in raisins and chocolate, a great sipper with a stogie. |
The Governor liked the roasty, full and rich flavor. Hop Jack found the malt toffee-flavored and the body slightly thin, but smooth. The Magistrate commented on the nice roasty malt flavor and said it was very drinkable. Vinny noted the sweet, light smoky and anise flavor. Gerhardt agreed the toasted caramel malt and sugary creamy body had a lingering smoky, licorice finish. |
Doppelbocks were the liquid bread that Bavarian monks drank while fasting. Hop Jack noticed the burnt coffee malt aroma and sweet flavor that was nearly hop void. Evil smelled light malt vinegar and tasted apple cider mixed with alcohol glaze. Vinny described it as a big boozy brew. Gerhardt liked the malty flavor with a “tingle that makes me mingle”. |
by The Beer Diva,
Beer Beacon columnist
Listed by Brewery
Comments on Beer Beacon should be directed to beerbeacon@brewingnews.com.
2009, Great Lakes Brewing News