December 2009/January 2010

Holiday & Winter Beers 
Cheers! The Beer Beacon Santa bag was loaded with holiday and winter beers! The majority of holiday
and winter beers are by and large, big and bold with high alcohol content. This holiday season we are delighted to share a wonderful mix of sessionable beers to take along to a party or family gathering and
some extreme beers to enjoy on their own while celebrating our holidays survivorship.
The Beer Beacon panel was chillin at Coles on Elmwood Street in Buffalo for the Holiday and Winter
Beer tasting on a surprisingly mild November evening. Coles has a fabulous menu with creative salad
and pasta dishes and excellent burgers and serves both lunch and dinner every day.
A gracious thank you to all the generous breweries that sent holiday and winter beers to the
Beer Beacon for this tasting. We wish you all Happy Holidays! Cheers!
Next: Belgian and Belgian Style Beers
The Place: 
Coles, Buffalo, NY
The Tasters:
The Beer Beacon Tasters included our loyal crew and a few newcomers to taste all the beers sent so generously in a worthy and responsible manner: the Magistrate, Evil, Gerg and Swoop Jones were facilitated by the Beer Diva and The Librarian led the second panel with Hop Jack, Vinny, Rudiboxin and RUE (the recently unemployed engineer). All who took part in this enormously satisfying beer tasting were thrilled with the pleasure of sampling new holiday and winter beers.
The Method: 
Tasters are served each beer, with only the information of the style the brewery is emulating, when there
is a style. The beer name and brewery are revealed to the tasters as each next blind round is served.
The Beers: 
“A nice, soft malt nose and smooth, malty, mildly sweet flavor with some fruity hops in the finish,” the Magistrate commented. Evil liked the caramel color and said it was clean, but wanted more spice from a winter beer. Swoop thought the German style lager was lightly spiced with a very smooth mouth feel and thought it would be a great gateway or Inaugural beer. Gerg thought it was sessionable, but too subtle for his big taste. We all agreed this Winter Lager should get you through the company holiday party without embarrassment.
Gerg noted the subtle malty sweetness in the nose with a pleasing plum taste. Swoop thought the dried fruit and malt aroma was light, but said the “flavor packs some more oomph. Evil suggested it would be a good snow sport beer to keep you warm and the Beer Diva agreed the cinnamon spice would be very nice in the slopes lodge.
Hop Jack classified this as a nicely balanced rye IPA - “ the hops show up but don't fight the rye and the rye malt presence is flavorful, but not harsh”. Rudiboxin noted the grassy nose with a more piney, mild spice flavor. Vinny commented on the bready, malty and rye nose, the light body and tart fruits with some bitter hops that lingered. At two ends of the hop spectrum, The Librarian likes a heartier, more bitter beer while RUE enjoyed the initial flavor but thought it finished rather bitter.
Vinny thought there was a nice union of malty rye and big fruity hops and was surprisingly impressed for the style. Rudiboxin found it slightly sweet, a bit grapey and then some plum-rummy notes with a medium bittering of hops. The Librarian was still not hops satisfied, but said it was uniquely spicey. Hop Jack thought the malt dominated the nose, but both rye and hops “ride the trailer” and show in the finish. RUE agreed this beer was well balanced.
Several Beer Beacon panelists had just returned from Scotland and educated us on the Scottish beer vernacular. Historically, Scottish beer was classified by strength and named by the shillings per barrel, but today it is mostly known by strength as: Light (60 shilling), Heavy (70), Export (80) and Wee Heavy or Scotch Ale (120). The Magistrate noted the soft mild malt nose and bready, malt flavor with some hop complexity. The Beer Diva liked the orange citrus finish and found it quite sessionable. Gerg liked the subtle nutty nose aroma but found it overall, too light. Swoop thought some peat would compliment the flavors nicely.
Swoop commented on the oak notes in the aroma along with some light berry and vanilla scents. The Beer Diva found the light clove and nutmeg taste followed by a berry fruit syrup, with some tartness. The Magistrate thought it was mildly fruity and tart, but not sour. Evil and Gerg agreed, the fruit was unfamiliar - “ a vanilla spice fruit blend. |
Rudiboxin liked the light toffee nose and dark fruit flavor and Vinny noted the light hops and caramel body. Hop Jack thought the hops were peppery up front, leading to a nice malt middle and then the hops reappear in the finish. The Librarian said this pale ale was more her style and RUE found the crisp finish to hops easy to drink. |
Vinny remarked on the roasty malt and slightly tart nose and the robust fruity hops and rich burnt sugar flavor. Rudiboxin found the big, rich caramel and dried fruit taste and dark chocolate tingly hop finish full of complexity. Hop Jack and RUE agreed, this was a powerfully strong and pleasantly warming beer that is meant to be shared with friends. |
Old Fezziwig is a true winter warmer that had Evil flushing with warmth and wishing for chocolate covered cherries. Gerg thought the nose was cookieish with an orange ginger fruit taste. The Magistrate noted the cinnamon spicy malt nose and flavor with a bit of hop character in a hearty rich fullness. Swoop likened it to a Manhattan style and we all recommend it après ski or at the fireplace. |
Swoop liked the citrus lemon and spicey coriander floral perfume and was surprised by the strengthy witbier. The Magistrate found the aroma and taste intense with coriander, ginger and nutmeg with an almost white wine character. Evil agreed and called it a coriander and lemon shredded wheat wine spritzer. The Beer Diva thought it was refreshing and suggests the potpourri of flavors would add some wonderful spice to a dismal winter day. |
Rudeboxin commented on the big banana, clove aroma and taste with some bubblegum presence. Vinny liked the tart lemon nose, lemonade sweet body and banana sundae finish. Hop Jack found it light and crisp, a bit thin bodied, but effervescent. RUE thought it was similar to Ommegang's Witte. |
Vinny noted the light English Pale nose and candied sugar malts with a light spice flavor. Rudeboxin tasted light banana maltinesss with unripe fruits and restrained yeasty sweet flavors. Hop Jack found it curious, but non-descript. The Librarian thought the Belgian characteristics came out more as the beer warmed up. |
The aroma is dark fruits, raisins and prunes with a sour ale and tangy finish, commented the Beer Diva. Gerg thought it was “Funky like a monkey”. Evil found it interesting - “a sour malt concoction”. Swoop noted the muted malt and hop aroma with a sour dried fruit tartness that dominates the flavor throughout. |
Hop Jack liked the chocolate coffee nose and noted the even balance of malt and noble hops with a gentle bittering. Rudeboxin found the nose rich in caramel and dark honey and a huge caramel malt taste with some pleasant roastiness in the finish. RUE thought it tasted just like it smells. Vinny commented on the thick and bready sour nose and sugary grape toffee flavor with a soft closing bitterness. |
Rudeboxin thought the roast, coffee nose was a bit burnt with dark fruits and roasted malt flavor with a lingering hop tingle. RUE found the citrus, coffee, dark chocolate flavors had a dry finish. Vinny noted the toffee and coffee nose with a light musty, roast coffee body. |
Swoop comment “there's a lot going on here - pineapple, cherry, honey grape, malt glaze - wonderfully complex”. The Magistrate agreed, the malt sweet nose had an abundance of fruit and a citrus hop bitterness in a big and rich beer. Gerg liked the Belgian funky originality and Evil will be sharing this hearty, smooth chocolate cherry delight in his Santa hat. |
The Magistrate liked the malty, bready nose and smooth malt and spice flavor and thought it was a nicely balanced beer and easily drinkable for the style. Evil and Gerg agreed this was decent, a nice blend, not over the top, and a holiday ale they could throw back all night long. Swoop liked the ginger spice smooth flavor with a mild orange zest in the finish and would go back for more. |
RUE noted the candy apple aroma that was consistent throughout the thick taste and warm finish. Vinny noted the candy-raspberry nose and big long sweet fruit and lemon taste would be popular with the younger crowd. Rudeboxin likened it to a Luden's maraschino chocolate fruitcake and The Librarian agreed it was JollyRancheresque with a nice warming sensation. |
Rudeboxin found the oranges and tea, cocoa malt aroma inviting and said the rich malt flavor is quickly taken over by tingly bitter hops. Hop Jack noted the deep chocolate, Munich malts and earthy hops with an alcohol body. RUE liked the ginger flavor but thought it finished a little dry. The Librarian described it as an “American Ale with bits of winter” and great for cozying up during a snowstorm. |
Vinny commented on the big burnt coffee nose and velvety espresso, woody, raisiny body and said it was “like a jello shot of campfire”. The vanilla, apple, caramel nose led to a big toffee, coffee malt and dark roasty cherry flavor with a lingering cocoa in the finish noted Rudeboxin. Hop Jack thought it was smooth, perhaps better if aged a while. The jumble of egos fighting for their taste buds overwhelmed the Librarian and RUE and so The Beer Diva elbowed in and named it a “Jackson Pollock beer”. |
Swoop liked the zesty, rich chocolate malt and dark dried fruit flavors with a fuller mouth feel and a satisfying bitterness in the finish. The Magistrate said it was everything a barley wine should be and thought it was almost sherry like. Gerg found the nose oaky and the taste of cherry wood with alcohol and heat. Evil commented that the bitter oak bite faded gently to a chocolate coffee roast with a soothing warming sensation. |
by The Beer Diva,
Beer Beacon columnist
Listed by Brewery
Comments on Beer Beacon should be directed to beerbeacon@brewingnews.com.
2009, Great Lakes Brewing News