February/March 2007
“Beer alchemy is science.”
- Evil
STOUTS & porters
It was a Wednesday night in the city of Buffalo. It was cold, it was dreary, and most importantly there was a Sabres game on. I knew I was going to have to do something special to get our tasters out of their houses. What could I do?
Luckily, I didn’t have to do anything. Thanks to the generosity of many breweries, we had a sampling of 16 different porters and stouts to tempt our panel tasters’ palates.
Common characteristics of stouts and porters include: dark color; chocolate, coffee and smoke aromas and flavors; roasty aroma and taste; and sweet or dry (or both at the same time!).
The Place:
Mr. Goodbar – Buffalo, NY
The Characters:
The Core Four – Big Evil, Vinny, The Magistrate, and Hop Jack
The Novices:
Jordan, (second tasting),
Gareth (Medical student,
beer enthusiast),
Marvin (Service Industry
Jen (Chemistry teacher,
usually drinks vodka-teas
and was attending
in the name of science),
and the visiting pro NY Beer Governor Steve Hodos.
The Beers:
Avg Rating: 6
Our panel felt this was a good
starter porter. It was not too light, sweet, flavorful, nor heavy. The usual flavors and characteristics were all present with out creating too much complexity. Jen liked it, and
she doesn’t usually care for
dark beers (She was in for a long night!). Steve said he’d keep it in his beer fridge.
Avg Rating: 5.5
This was also a relatively light porter. Marvin felt it had a “chocolaty bite” and the panel agreed that the finish was a little harsh. Evil thought it tasted more like “instant coffee”. |
Avg Rating: 5.3
Two words stood out in the descriptions of this porter: “dry” and “coffee.” Coffee flavors
were present throughout the
beer – strong in the nose as well as in the taste. There was some more bitterness than in the two previous, which was both
appreciated and not by the panel. Gareth confessed he liked a bit more bitterness in his beers. |
Avg Rating: 4.5
The panel did not like this beer as much. Vinny tasted some vegetable flavors, the Magistrate thought it was slightly oxidized and Steve said he detected
faint smells of “burnt plastic.” The Novices felt the beer was
a lot like dark chocolate and rated it slightly higher than
the Core Four. |
Anderson Valley Porter
P.O. Box 505 - 17700 Hwy 253,
Boonville, California 95415-0505
707-895-BEER or 800-207-BEER
Avg Rating: 4.9
Evil called this one a “honey porter,” but the rest of the panel didn’t feel it was super sweet. Hop Jack claimed the “complexity is evident” and liked the lingering finish. Gareth and the Magistrate both detected some vegetable in the flavors. Marvin thought it tasted “OK, but the flavor didn’t go anywhere.” |
Avg Rating: 8.2
“Kids, school is in session,” Evil declared. He felt this is exactly what a porter should taste like. Steve agreed – “A classic example,” – and pointed out its noticeable alcohol. The nose had a great deal of hop flavor, and Jordan said it was a good way to learn how to point them out. Marvin summed it up pretty well “It has a very hoppy flavor laced with malt. ” |
Avg Rating: 5.6
Marvin said this had an “early morning, wake up smell,” and that “the only thing missing here are raisins.” Jen thought the flavor was “disappointing”. While Jordan appreciated being able to pick out many of its different flavors, it wasn’t a beer he would buy. However, Big Evil thought this was Starbucks-able – that they should start a franchise over it and “enslave the masses.” In other words, he thought it was pretty good. |
Avg Rating: 5.5
Despite the promise of being a coffee stout, most of the panel did not feel there was much coffee flavor in the beer. Jordan tasted a lot of coffee, but later determined it may have been “the power of suggestion.” “Hoppy Stout make me happy,” Big Evil said joyfully. Steve said he “did not like it.”
Avg Rating 5.4
Steve and Jen tasted what Jen called “carbonated” and Steve called “prickly.” Hop Jack thought it was very drinkable, but Big Evil claimed it was “strictly for tourists.” Marvin was “indifferent” about it. Jordan thought it tasted like “smokey, chocolaty tea.” |
Avg Rating 7.1
There was more oatmeal present in this stout than the other. It made for a smoother taste and feel. A lot of the novices detected the creamy quality of the beer right away. The Magistrate said it was very drinkable and smooth, and Steve said it was a great example: “No Faults!” |
Avg Rating 7.2
There is a reason they call this beer Black Sun – it is totally opaque, can’t see through it at all. “Double rich” coffee flavors in the nose for Vinny – “Big Beer, no doubt!” Evil liked it - “Dead, Dark and Delicious,”- and the Magistrate said he’d have more than one. Hop Jack thought it would benefit from some aging. |
Avg Rating 6.6
Vinny: “Huuuaaahh! Nose tells all!” Jordan smelled a lot of alcohol is this beer, “like a cordial or something. Very warm flavor,” a side effect of a higher alcohol content. Marvin said it was too sweet for him, and that he detected some cranberry. Jen agreed this was more like a liqueur and the flavor was strong and syrupy. Gareth said the “warm chocolate stays with you well after the finish.” |
Avg Rating 5.3
Steve called this one “a sipper,” and the panel agreed. With intense flavors of roast and coffee, this is not a session beer. It possesses a thicker, heavier body and Vinny said it was like “doses of sugar and vodka in espresso!” A good example of the style, but definitely meant to be shared. |
Avg Rating 5.3
The core four felt there was a little too much oak. “I love oak in beer, but I can’t taste the beer,” observed the Magistrate, verbalizing the general consensus. “Too much?” said Vinny. “Possibly, but try it.” |
Avg Rating 6.9
The Core Four recognized the beers rich complexity “Complex! Wow!” said the Magistrate. While the style is not Steve’s favorite, he felt the beer was “impressive; smooth for such an intense beer. It has big flavors of roast coffee and chocolate, and Evil and Vinny tasted some raisin/prune qualities in it as well. It was also syrupy and warm. “Too much for a novice,” declared Jordan, and the rest of the Novices agreed. |
by Kelly Kroese,
Beer Beacon columnist
Listed by Brewery
Comments on Beer Beacon should be directed to beerbeacon@brewingnews.com.
2005, Great Lakes Brewing News